The array of services that Freedata, thanks to the consolidated experience in the world of statistical modelling and data processing, offers client companies in order to maximize the informative patrimony of available data banks (both traditional and from the web) with the aim to optimize marketing and sales actions and company strategies.
Today, companies are called to use information intelligently in order to address the challenges in the market, to distinguish their business from the competition, to create client loyalty, to optimize bugdets maximizing the profitability of their products and overall investment profit.
The tools used for this purpose are statistical models (Marketing Mix Model), value-added Analysis (Data Mining), forecasting and simulation tools (Analytics).
The results of these projects allow gauging the contribution of the various market stimuli to the growth of a brand, the effect of budget cuts on volumes, the advantage of a different resource allocation, client or market buying power
To meet the demands FREEDATA brings to the table numerous years of experience, analytic know-how, stastical competence and market knowledge.
Our offer ranges from Data Mining for client and prospect profit analysis to classic Marketing Mix Models for the analysis of traditional stimuli (price, promotion, advertising) but is integrated with the development of statistical models for the evaluation of the impact of social media on the performance of the brand, identification of the correct weight of social activities in the client marketing mix and estimation exercises on the expected results of Social Media Marketing campaigns
FREEDATA offers:
- Qualified resources dedicated to the development of integrated and original solutions, designed to meet specific needs of each single client;
- Ability to adapt and personalize, so as to cater for a dynamic reality, which cannot always be placed within the logic of standard analysis tools;
- Ability to use all the data sources available in an integrated manner;
- A keen eye on innovative methods in the field of Modelling with the help of our academic activities.
In addition, FREEDATA offers its clients consulting support services through applied statistic projects, CRM, implementation and maintenance of data analysis processes, and can also provide their resources in logic of “body rental”.
The senior and junior analysts at FREEDATA can work on site or from their own offices and the maximum confidential treatment of the information is always guaranteed.
Cristiano Toni – Chief Operating Officer