"What individuals do to each other is much more important than what we do to them."
Mark Earls, Herd: How to Change Mass Behavior by Harnessing Our True Nature
Social media marketing
“Listen & Act” is Freedata Labs’ unique approach to Social Media Marketing. We strongly believe that marketing activities cannot be successful without listening to what consumers are saying and recommending to each other on the Web. We need to keep listening throughout a campaign to understand its effectiveness and then to take further action, as necessary.
What we do: Listen: Through Freedata’s Web Listening Platform we identify blogs, forums, websites and social networking sites where people are talking about you, your brands, and your competitors. We listen to them to understand what they are saying to each other and what they are recommending. We can build a picture of you relative to your competitors using The Brand Race Quadrant®. We can create semantic maps, and identify topics and features in conversations. These tools give us the detailed picture we need to take the correct marketing decision.
Act: Following the listening phase, a Social Media Marketing plan is developed to achieve your goals. The marketing actions may include building a strong digital identity online for your brand, creating and animating fan pages (on Facebook for example) or channels (on Twitter for example), making viral videos or stories that will help spread the message creating outdoor flash mobs, quizzes and contests. We engage a team of conversation agents (or seeders) to chat for you online and promote your brand. We identify your “key influencers” or “ambassadors” for your brand and engage them in word-of-mouth campaigns online.
Promoting your brand by word of mouth will help to:
- overhaul your brand image.
- promote a new product in an innovative way.
- listen to your customers and better understand their needs.
- get your customers more involved in your products and services.
- strengthen existing relationships and create new customer relationships to increase sales
How do we measure the results of these activities? After all, they say it's impossible to calculate the ROI of social media marketing... That's true. It is not possible to apply web 1.0 measurement tools to social media marketing activities. That's why we developed The Brand Race Quadrant. Click here to learn more.
Interested? Drop us an e-mail [email protected]
Want to know more ?
For more information on our “Listen & Act” approach: Watch the presentation:
For more information on The Brand Race Quadrant®: Watch the presentation: http://www.slideshare.net/Freedatalabs/freedatalabs-com-the-brand-race-quadrant-july-2009-eng
Watch the video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OGaUSHR9qwA For more information on Social Media Marketing:
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Social_media_marketing For more information on flash mob: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flash_mob