Afraid of social media but tempted to try its marketing potential?
Have you ever dreamed of knowing what people are saying about you and understanding how they are sharing opinions ?
Did you know that you can listen to what they’re saying about you on the web and measure the results of your social media marketing actions?
Did you know the Web is a powerful source to establish and manage the relation with your customers and prospects?
Customer Stories
What Is Web Listening by Freedata®: Web Listening by Freedata® monitors conversation as they occur online in blogs, forums, communities and social media sites. The monitoring is based on a specific set of keywords related to brands, products, contexts or a combination of these. URLs where conversations have taken place are stored in a database and are subject to an in depth semantic analysis to derive relevant marketing data.
The Process
How Conversation Seeding Works: Our conversation agents (or seeders) access the Web portal (Social Reader+) to select the most relevant URLs where conversations are taking place. The selection process is based on the ranking model applied by the listening platform. Once a URL is selected the agent can decide how to manage the conversation, and add notes and useful information which is stored in the database alongside the URL. Our conversation agents strictly adhere to the WOMMA (Word Of Mouth Marketing Organisation) and WOM UK (Word Of Mouth UK) code of ethics to ensure their posts are respectful of competitors and other posters.
How Digital Relations (DR) Works: Digital Relations (DR also referred to as Digital PR) is a key component of an effective social media strategy. Conversation agents with specialist skills in Digital Relations access the most appropriate blogs or communities using our Web portal, and make contact with bloggers building a relationship with them. This approach contrasts with traditional PR where communication tends to be one way and top-down only. Once the relationship is well established, bloggers may choose to publish relevant information about the brand, post informed comments, and becoming an influencer in the brand's community. Web Listening by Freedata® ranks blogs and other destinations to ensure that conversation agents access the most relevant blogs first.
Influencers Scouting: One of the most successful ways to boost a social media marketing campaign is via engaging with influencers who may then become brand ambassadors. Our platform can identify who the most likely influencers are based on frequency and number of posts, content of posts, and how they behave in online conversations. This provides opportunities to engage with them in online and offline word of mouth campaigns.
Metrics and Measures: Our regular data mining and statistical analysis of the data derived from Web Listening by Freedata® provides insightful metrics to our clients. These measures include how their initiatives are changing user perceptions, how they are compared to competitors and how customers decide to buy. These are not just simple sentiment measures (good or bad) or buzz indicators (high or low). They are detailed, real-time, strategic metrics that marketing managers can use to measure their campaign effectiveness over time.
The Brand Race Quadrant ® The Brand Race Quadrant ® offers immediate market relevant information. Brands are positioned in one of four quadrants, each denoting a different status. Brands may be categorized as:
An ideal path from renew (or crisis) to success is via a clockwise route in the quadrant. For a brand in the renew quadrant, it must first renew its brand message then communicate it effectively before reaching success status.