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Web Monitoring

FREEDATA is the exclusive distributor in Italy of Alterian SM2, a Social intelligence solution that allows access to innovative data sources such as the feedback and opinions of online consumers. With Alterian SM2 it is possible to capture and easily analyze data from Social Media channels with regards to an owner brand/product and it’s competitors, identify key communities and influencers for marketing and communication activities, communicate with clients directly online, and generate new sales leads.

In addition to the Alterian SM2 license FREEDATA offers the possibility to implement Social Media Research projects: Freedata Facts database or Freedata Answers or projects of Social Media Strategy Freedata Insights based on the use of the platform with the support of our very own team of Analysts, Statisticians, Linguists, Semiologists and Psychologists.



Today Alterian SM2 contains more than 9 billion results from social media channels (tweets, posts, articles, images and conversations): bulk data able to supply in-depth information for every research profile activated, also thanks to the thirty three different levels with which they are classified, from the date of publication, to the geographic position/location of the content creator. The online material is constantly scanned, indexed and added to the growing database. Over 40 million new results are collected on a daily basis from virtually every available online source.

The  Alterian SM2 database covers the follow digital channels:

  • Blog (Livejournal, Typepad, etc)
  • Message boards/Forums
  • Microblog (Twitter, Plurk, Identica, etc)
  • Wiki (sites that are developed with the contribution and updating activities of users –
  • Video and Photosharing (Flickr, YouTube, etc)
  • Social Network (Ning, Facebook, Linkedin)
  • Mainstream Media (,,, etc)
  • Online classified ad Sites (Craiglists, etc)
  • Review Sites (, etc)

Clients with the Alterian SM2 license benefit from full access to the platform and can, hence, manage the set of user tools provided: Search Set-Up, Reports, Sentiment evaluation, full access to all test results, real time Alerts and access to the Engagement Console which allows the client to engage in users’ conversations directly from the platform. The Alterian SM2 platform allows the client to independently develop web listening and social media engagement plans.

In addition to the Alterian SM2 license, for Web Listening activities Freedata offers the following:

  • Consultancy services and operative support for the platform in Italian, on-line or on-site;
  • Training of individual users or groups of up to 10 users both at the Freedata Labs headquarters, and on-site;
  • Services for the start up process and configuration of research keys and profiles, set up of the reporting process and dashboard:
  • Continual quality data activities on the flow of data extracted from Alterian SM2;
  • Output of periodic standard offline reports on the flow of the data collected.



A Platform, with wide and powerful configuration potential, created by a team of data analysis experts

Native Language coverage in 10 different languages.

Automatic sentiment analysis in all languages.

Advanced management of the black/white URL server list.

Historical  data (3 years)

Access to an unlimited number of terms and users.

RSS Management feed.

API for ad hoc integrations.

SM2 Social Media Console offers a workflow process and engagement management (included in the cost of the license).



SM2 provides the product and tools, which help the client, tap into and engage in conversations with users through new digital channels, providing the client with the ability to:

  • Listen to what users are saying about their brand/product;
  • Analyze the conversations regarding competitors’ brand and products;
  • Identify “influencers” and “opinion leaders” in the market being analyzed;
  • Identify emerging problems which require immediate answers;
  • Measure the effectiveness of marketing campaigns, on and off-line;
  • Manage through the SM2 Social Media Console the flow of activities on conversations and engagement directly from the platform

The cost to access the platform is based on the overall number of the results viewable on the profile.

There are utilities in addition to those defined in the standard contract available that can be requested for the same license at an additional fee. There are an unlimited number of contemporary users. It is possible to personalize the interface with individual logos.



Anna Mangili – Account Manager – [email protected]

Andrea Romoli – Account Manager – [email protected]


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